
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



10 APRIL 2024

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Is Allah angry with Malaysia Airlines? Is Allah angry with PAS that it has never been able to win GEs & rule Malaysia?

Is Allah angry with Malaysia Airlines? Is Allah angry with PAS that it has never been able to win GEs & rule M'sia?
I don't know.
But it is too insensitive for that PAS member to say this, without looking at the complexities of events, cause and effect, consequences, karma, Chaos Theory, interplay between fate and determinism, comparative aspects of right and wrong, pragmatism, and a range of other considerations especially when it comes to linking ‘divine retribution in Islam’ vis-a-viz good vs evil.
Too simple, simplistic, and irresponsible of a statement to make. It also begs the question of a ‘Just God’. Here is why as I have always pondered upon the question of ‘Man proposes, God disposes’, and I address this question to the questioner from that ‘Islamic’ party :
- Was Allah angry at the Muslims and PAS in the case of the murder at Memali, back in the mid 1980s?
- Is Allah angry at PAS that it has never been able to take over the rule of the government of Malaysia?
- Was Allah angry at the family of the Prophet that led to the massacre at Karbala in which the bloody murder became a womb to the current chaos and mayhem in the Islamic world?
- Was Allah angry at the Muslims in Middle East that the Islamic countries are now, one after the other humiliated and destroyed by ‘kaffir forces’ that continue to win the war on terror?
- Is Allah angry at the Palestinians that it has never been able to get out of its misery although the world has its sympathy, and that Allah has been on the side of the Israelis?
- Is Allah also angry at all the airlines in the world that serve alcohol? Or - is alcohol okay to be consumed according to other religions, as long as it is done so in moderation?
I seriously don't know the answer but I would like any member of PAS to answer these questions.
Otherwise, my continuing sympathy to family members of all those that lost their lives - be they Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists or pagans.
PAS becoming a party of 'bomohs'
It is not time to hurt others more that one ideologically should. Besides, didn’t Islam, even PAS preachers, talk about “wisdom/fatanah” in sending messages of peace; that there such an idea called siddiq-amanah-tabligh-fatanah - that one whose wishes to spread the truth must first embody it (siddiq), keep it as an eternal trust (amanah), educate one’s self first (tabligh) and if one is confident that one's little learning is not dangerous, one can share with family members with utmost wisdom (fatanah).
And is that not what Muslims too believe that these four phases are also the basis of Muhammad’s character?
Think. Think hard. Think deep. I am sure party members as such are well-versed in basic Islamic matters.
I don't know ....
I seriously don't know ...
but do explain please
or if one prefers, be silent
and be respectful
better still, console the grieving
that will be the most ‘Islamic’ thing to do.
Why MH17 was torpedoed down
Because it went into rebel airspace and the rebels were shooting airplanes and by chance it was a Malaysian airplane...
That is why.
That is as scientific an explanation as we can get.
Living with realism
Sometimes we have to live with realism and that there is no religious or metaphysical explanation to phenomena. we need to stop the blame game or the temptation to provide a ‘holier-than-thou’ explanation that this or that is a ‘curse’ or a form of retribution or worse because “alcohol was served in this or that airplane”.
We need to wish well; that those who lost their lives had given their best to society, their family, and themselves to make this a better world as what their religion teaches. We need to believe that each will be in eternal peace in each one's own paradise according to the paradise described by each faith, if you may... just as no one religion is truer than another.
We can never feel that pain of those who lost their loved ones
We need then to move on and make sure that those left grieving are well-comforted, and that those working hard in Malaysia Airlines need to be consoled and congratulated for consistently doing a world-class job in the industry.
It is an inexplicably sad day for the nation and for those in the nations who lost their loved ones, too. It is time to heal and to work, in our own way, for peace - beginning with peace within ourselves. Each child, each young man and woman, need to be shown what peace looks like and what patience and perseverance can do. In a world plagued with war and violence, peace should be the agenda for education of nations.
Each Man must tame the Evil within and bring out the Good - a challenging first step in our understanding of the world we have created; a world of the Master and the Slave, the Victim and the Victimiser.
There is so much chaos going on in this world that each one of us needs to calm down and ask ourselves what kind of world do we wish to create, beginning with the inner world we inhabit, and each one of us is given a certain time period to prove our humane-ness and to contribute to what humanisation ought to mean.
As for those who believe that Allah is angry at Malaysia Airlines, it is their choice to believe - that an Evil and Ever-destructive God is triumphing over the Merciful and the Compassionate One. And that there is no human agency involved via intervention. Hard to sell this idea to those Communist Russians or Ukrainians. - http://azlyrahman-illuminations.blogspot.com/

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